Sleep Apnea Appliances
Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)
Obstructive Sleep Apnea, or OSA, is a common sleep disorder. If you have OSA it means that your airways are either all collapsed or partially collapsed while you are sleeping. Air can not go to you lungs, resulting lack of oxygen. Your brain wakes your body so you can begin breathing again. The lack of oxygen and frequent night awakening negatively impact your entire body and affect your health.
Common Symptoms of Sleep Apnea
-Loud or Frequent Snoring
-Scalloped Tongue
-Worn or Fractured Teeth
-Silent Pauses in Breathing
-Morning Headaches
-Nocturne (sleep interruption)
-Difficulty Concentrating
-Day Time Sleepiness
-Memory Loss

Oral Appliance Therapy for OSA
Oral Appliances are custom fitted mouth guards specifically manufactured for you. These appliances are designed to move your lower jaw forward to keep your airway open while you sleep, preventing the tongue from falling back. This results in a much better nights sleep.
Oral Appliances can be used alone or in a combination with other OSA treatments. Oral Appliance Therapy is best indicated for people who snore, have mild to moderate OSA, are CPAP intolerant, grind their teeth and have TMJ and facial pain.
Your dentist can determine which Oral Appliance Therapy is best suited for your specific needs. They can work with your medical professional, as part of the team in your diagnosis, treatment and continuous care.
What We Do
-Raise Awareness
It is difficult to diagnose yourself during sleep. Most people learn about their sleep apnea from other family members or partners who share bedrooms. Whether it is comments about snoring or concern over not breathing, these discussions help raise awareness about the issue and encourage potential sleep apnea sufferers to seek treatment.
Your Snoring, or Apnea, May Be Linked To...
-Heart Attack
-Type 2 Diabetes
-High Blood Pressure
"A comprehensive approach is important to achieving a successful treatment outcome"
-Dr. Mark Buzzatto